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75 Blog Post Ideas for College Bloggers

75 college blog post ideas
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College is an exciting time of life, filled with new experiences, challenges, and opportunities for personal growth. As a college student and blogger, you have a unique perspective to share with your audience. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger looking for fresh inspiration or a newbie trying to find your niche, this comprehensive list of 75 blog post ideas will help you create compelling content that resonates with your readers.



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Then make sure to explore my beginner’s guide to starting a blog. It will provide you with valuable tips and step-by-step instructions to help you navigate the initial stages of your blogging journey.

If you’re still skeptical about the potential to earn a substantial income through blogging, take a look at my post on how to make money blogging to see how others are turning their passion into a profitable business.

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75 Blog Post Ideas For Your College Life Blog


1 College Survival Guide:

Share essential tips and tricks to navigate the college experience successfully, from study habits to time management.

2 Top 10 Must-Have Apps for College Students:

Review productivity, budgeting, and educational apps that can make campus life more efficient.

3 Dorm Room DIYs:

Provide creative ideas for decorating and organizing small dorm spaces on a budget.

4 Balancing Academics and Social Life:

Offer practical advice on maintaining a healthy balance between studies and social activities.

6 College Budgeting 101:

Create a detailed guide on managing finances, saving money, and avoiding common financial pitfalls.

7 Healthy Eating on Campus:

Share nutritious meal plans and easy-to-make recipes for busy college students.

8 Mental Health Awareness:

Raise awareness about mental health issues on campus and offer coping strategies for stress and anxiety.

9 Time-Management Techniques:

Offer time-saving tips to help students juggle academics, work, and extracurriculars effectively.

10 Career and Internship Tips:

Provide insights into finding internships, writing resumes, and preparing for job interviews.

11 How to Beat Procrastination:

Share effective methods to overcome procrastination and stay focused on tasks and deadlines.

12 Study Abroad Experiences:

Document personal experiences and adventures while studying in a foreign country.

13 Exploring Your College Town:

Write about the best local hangouts, restaurants, and hidden gems near your campus.

14 Networking in College:

Explain the importance of networking and offer guidance on how to build professional relationships.

15 The Pros and Cons of Greek Life:

Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of joining sororities or fraternities on campus.

16 Student Organization Spotlights:

Interview leaders of various clubs and organizations to showcase their impact on campus.

17 College Fashion on a Budget:

Curate stylish outfits and fashion tips that won’t break the bank.

18 Breaking Stereotypes:

Share stories that challenge common misconceptions about college life or certain majors.

19 My Favorite Professors:

Highlight inspirational and supportive professors who have made a positive impact on your academic journey.

20 College and Mental Health:

Advocate for mental health awareness on campus and discuss available resources.

21 A Day in the Life:

Offer a glimpse into your daily routine as a college student, sharing the challenges and joys.

22 Student Discounts and Freebies:

Compile a list of student-exclusive discounts, deals, and freebies available in your college town.

23 Preparing for Finals Week:

Share study strategies and self-care tips for managing stress during exam time.

24 Student Travel Adventures:

Write about memorable trips and travel experiences while in college.

25 Reflections on Freshman Year:

Offer advice and insights to incoming freshmen about the college transition.

25 Impactful Volunteer Experiences:

Narrate experiences and lessons learned while volunteering for a meaningful cause.

26 Overcoming Academic Challenges:

Share personal stories of facing academic setbacks and how you persevered.

27 College and Technology:

Discuss the role of technology in modern education and its impact on student life.

28 Advice for High School Seniors:

Write a letter to graduating high school seniors, providing guidance for their college journey.

29 Student Entrepreneurship:

Feature successful student entrepreneurs and their business ventures.

30 College Sports and Spirit:

Capture the excitement of game days and school spirit on campus.

31 Study Spot Recommendations:

Suggest the best places on campus and around town for productive studying.

32 Making the Most of Campus Resources:

Educate readers on lesser-known campus resources and how to access them.

33 College and Diversity:

Advocate for inclusivity and share experiences from a diverse perspective.

34 College and Relationships:

Discuss the challenges and rewards of maintaining relationships while in college.

35 Living Off-Campus:

Offer tips for finding housing, managing bills, and adjusting to life off-campus.

36 Unique Campus Traditions:

Share interesting traditions that are specific to your college or university.

37 Navigating Online Classes:

Provide strategies for staying engaged and organized in virtual learning environments.

38 Green Living on Campus:

Promote eco-friendly practices and sustainability initiatives at your college.

39 Summer Internship Recap:

Reflect on your summer internship experiences and the skills gained.

40 College Book Reviews:

Review books related to college life, personal development, and academic success.

41 Graduation Expectations vs. Reality:

Discuss the transition from college to the “real world” and share your thoughts.

42 College and Time Capsules:

Create a digital time capsule of current college trends and experiences.

43 Studying Abroad on a Budget:

Share tips on making international education more affordable.

44 Coping with Homesickness:

Offer advice for students struggling with homesickness during college.

45 Choosing a Major:

Provide guidance on selecting the right major based on interests and career goals.

46 Healthy Habits for College Students:

Offer self-care routines and healthy practices to maintain physical and mental well-being.

47 Balancing Hobbies and Academics:

Share stories of how students pursue their passions while excelling academically.

48 Grad School Decisions:

Discuss the factors to consider when deciding whether to pursue graduate studies.

49 College and Technology Trends:

Explore emerging technologies that are shaping the future of education.

50 Future Goals and Aspirations:

Write about your plans and dreams beyond college and inspire your readers to do the same.

51 College and Mental Health: Combating Stigma

Explore ways to break the stigma surrounding mental health on campus and foster a supportive environment.

52 Internship Success Stories:

Feature success stories of students who landed remarkable internships and how that impacted their career trajectory.

53 College Sports and Community:

Highlight how college sports teams engage with the local community through outreach programs and volunteer initiatives.

54 Exploring Unconventional Majors:

Showcase lesser-known and unique majors that students can pursue in college.

55 College and Time Management Apps:

Review various time management apps and tools that can help students stay organized and focused.

56 The Impact of Social Media on College Life:

Discuss the influence of social media on students’ lives, both positive and negative.

57 College and Mental Health: The Role of Counseling Services

Shed light on the importance of campus counseling services and their impact on students’ well-being.

58 Alternative Spring Break Experiences:

Share stories of students who chose alternative spring break activities like volunteering and service trips.

59 Building Professional Relationships with Professors:

Offer advice on how to develop strong relationships with professors that can benefit students academically and professionally.

60 College and Part-Time Jobs:

Discuss the benefits and challenges of balancing part-time work with academic responsibilities.

61 Study Abroad Packing Tips:

Provide a comprehensive packing guide for students preparing to study abroad.

62 College and Sustainability Initiatives:

Spotlight eco-friendly initiatives on campus and student-led sustainability projects.

63 Student Stories of Overcoming Adversity:

Feature inspiring stories of students who overcame significant challenges to achieve academic success.

64 College and Mental Health: Coping During Exam Season

Share coping strategies for managing stress and anxiety during exams.

65 Exploring Career Paths:

Interview alumni from various fields to showcase diverse career paths and the impact of their college education.

66 Unique Study Methods:

Present unconventional and effective study techniques that have worked for students.

67 College and Cultural Awareness:

Celebrate the diversity on campus by exploring cultural events, clubs, and initiatives.

68 Dorm Room Fitness:

Create a series of dorm-friendly workouts and fitness routines for students living on campus.

69 College and Leadership Development:

Discuss the leadership opportunities and training available to students on campus.

70 How to Make the Most of Summer Break:

Offer ideas for productive and enriching activities during the summer break.

71 College and the Gig Economy:

Explore how students can leverage the gig economy for flexible work opportunities.

72 Managing Long-Distance Relationships in College:

Provide advice for students in long-distance relationships while attending college.

73 College and Internationally-Inspired Clubs:

Highlight clubs and organizations on campus that celebrate different cultures.

74 College and Mental Health: Recognizing Burnout

Educate readers about burnout symptoms and ways to prevent and cope with it.

75 College Cooking Hacks:

Share quick and easy recipes for students with limited kitchen resources and cooking skills.



As a college blogger, your platform allows you to connect with fellow students, potential students, and anyone interested in the college experience. These 50 blog post ideas cover a wide range of topics that will engage your audience and help you establish a strong and relatable presence in the blogging world. Whether you choose to share personal anecdotes, offer advice, or shed light on important issues, remember that your unique voice and perspective are what make your college blog stand out from the rest. Happy blogging!


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