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5 Simple Things to do When You’re Broke

Simple things to do when you're broke
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Living with financial struggles can be mentally and emotionally exhausting. Constantly worrying about bills, debts, and the inability to afford basic necessities can take a toll on anyone’s well-being.

If you’ve ever felt the weight of financial struggles bearing down on you, leaving you exhausted and desperate for a change, you’re not alone. I’ve experienced firsthand the frustration and weariness that come with being broke, and I understand the burning desire to break free from that suffocating cycle.

When you’re tired of being broke, you can feel like there’s no way out, but instead of letting that overwhelming feeling keep you on the ground, you can, like me, actually use it as a catalyst for change and let it motivate you to take control of your financial situation.

In this blog post, I will share with you five practical steps that I took when I was tired of being broke. These tips personally helped me overcome financial struggles and embark on a path towards stability and abundance, and I hope they can help you too.


1. Assess Your Financial Situation

To begin the journey towards a better financial future, it is essential to assess your current financial situation. This involves delving deep into your income, expenses, debts, and assets to gain a comprehensive understanding of your financial landscape.

In a period where I found myself constantly struggling to make ends meet, I decided it was time to assess my financial situation. I meticulously examined my income sources, scrutinized my expenses, and took stock of my debts and assets.

Creating a budget became my compass, helping me track every dollar and pinpoint areas where I could make necessary cuts. By meticulously evaluating my financial standing, I gained clarity on my financial strengths and weaknesses.

This newfound understanding empowered me to set realistic goals and forge a path towards financial stability. Armed with a plan, I was able to allocate resources strategically, eliminate unnecessary expenses, and prioritize debt repayment. Ultimately, the simple act of assessing my financial situation became the catalyst for positive change and laid the foundation for a brighter financial future.


2. Enhance Your Financial Knowledge

For a long time, I never considered financial literacy to be important. This is because, like so many people, I was never taught about it while growing up. Blissfully ignorant, I managed my day-to-day finances without fully grasping the impact it had on my long-term financial well-being.

However, when I hit rock bottom and was searching for “quick ways to make money online” to try and better my situation, like most of us tend to do, I  came across financial education content that inspired a transformative shift in my perspective. I came to understand that without financial knowledge, I was unable to make informed decisions or develop healthy financial habits.

Determined to turn things around, I immersed myself in various resources that offered valuable insights into personal finance. I watched YouTube videos, devoured books like Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” and tuned into podcasts like “The Dave Ramsey Show,” all of which became my educational pillars.

As my financial literacy grew, so did my ability to make smarter choices. I embraced budgeting, saving strategies, and investment opportunities that aligned with my goals. Over time, my newfound financial knowledge empowered me to take control of my financial destiny and paved the way for a brighter future.

In retrospect, I now understand the profound impact that financial literacy has on achieving long-term financial stability. By neglecting its importance in the past, I had denied myself the tools and knowledge necessary for making wise financial decisions.


3. Live Below Your Means

Living below your means is a powerful strategy to break free from the cycle of being broke and achieve financial stability. It involves consciously spending less than you earn and making intentional choices to prioritize needs over wants.

In the past, I often found myself caught in the trap of overspending and living beyond my financial capabilities. It wasn’t until I reached a tipping point of financial frustration that I realized the importance of embracing a frugal lifestyle. Determined to regain control, I made a commitment to live below my means.

I scrutinized my expenses, distinguishing between essential needs and unnecessary wants, and trimmed down my discretionary spending and sought cost-effective alternatives without sacrificing quality or satisfaction. One of the best things I did for my pocket in that department was to start cooking meals at home and packing my lunch instead of frequently ordering takeout food.

Through this experience, I learned the transformative power of a frugal lifestyle. I became more mindful of my spending habits, opting for cost-effective alternatives. This shift in mindset not only alleviated financial strain but also brought a sense of empowerment and control over my financial situation.


4. Save Save!

In the past, I often struggled with the concept of saving. I believed that I couldn’t afford to set money aside and that I should enjoy every penny I earned.

But the more I read about personal finance, the more I realized that should anything happen to my already low-paying job, I would be in an even bigger fix, and that’s when I decided to save six months’ worth of living expenses as a safety net.

I started by allocating a small percentage of my income to savings every month. Initially, it was challenging to adjust my spending habits, but over time, it became more natural. I also automated my savings by setting up automatic transfers to a separate savings account. This way, I didn’t have to rely solely on my willpower to save.

By diligently sticking to my savings plan each month, I steadily made progress towards my savings goal, and tracking my milestones and celebrating each increment brought a sense of accomplishment that fueled my motivation to keep going.

Through this personal journey, I learned that saving is not just about setting money aside. It’s about cultivating discipline, prioritizing financial stability, and empowering yourself to achieve financial freedom.

By making saving a priority and breaking it down into manageable steps, I was able to overcome the cycle of financial strain and anxiety, leaving me with a sense of security and the confidence to explore other financial goals.


5. Increase Your Income

In the midst of my financial struggles, I realized that saving and relying solely on my primary job for income was not enough to alleviate my financial burdens and live the life I really wanted.

If your current income is insufficient to meet your financial needs and goals, exploring other ways to boost your earning potential becomes essential. Consider negotiating a raise or promotion at your current job, taking on a side hustle or freelance work, or acquiring new skills to enhance your professional value.

In my case, asking for a raise was not going to do much for me, so I decided to explore some beginner-friendly side hustle ideas, and transcription and freelance writing were two of the best-paying ones that I started with before eventually deciding to start a blog.



Escaping the cycle of being broke requires determination, perseverance, and consistent effort. By assessing your financial situation, living below your means, enhancing your financial knowledge, saving, and increasing your income, you can take significant strides towards financial stability and abundance.

Remember, the journey to financial freedom is not an overnight process, but with patience and discipline, you can break free from the constraints of being broke and build a brighter financial future.🍀✨


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